jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

My Job.

So far, I don’t really know which is going to be my job, but I know how I want it to be.

Danae, by Gustav Klimt.
Next year I’m going to be studying Art’s history and that provably says much about me. The thing is that I’m a art lover (and by art I mean all the arts: music, paint, theatre, dance, literature, cinema, photography ...). I am creative and therefore I need to find a job that let me spare all my creativity. I need movement, spending the day in front of a computer’s screen would kill me. Even I know it may look the opposite art history will allow me to improve my culture and creativity.

About my future job, as I said I’ve no Idea but maybe, taking into account that I love to share my knowledge, teaching could be a good choice. But I still have to think a little bit more about who I want to be, cause I also love fashion and in sooth I have made a little collection of hats and I’ve drown some dresses and with my mom’s help I’m making my own graduation’s dress. So who knows, I still have a lot of things to know about me and I need to see how my life goes on and maybe in like two years I find something that I like much more than art, teaching or designing, so I know where my journey to my job begins but I’ve no idea of were is it going to end and I’m not afraid either of not knowing the end.

Yellow Press. Why you following me?!

Famous people usually complain about their lack of privacy because of all those paparazzi who follows them 24 hours a day without giving them some spice to live their life.  Is it ok? Well, of course not. As human beings they deserve to be able to live their own life without thousand eyes checking out whatever they are doing. Of course you must assume that there will be paparazzi watching what’s going on in your life in the same moment when you become famous, but there’s a limit.

In fact this extreme pressure that famous people must stand it’s somehow society’s fault, I mean, if we don’t give importance to the famous people’s private life I’m quite sure that paparazzi would stop spying them. The point is that we must respect other’s private life the way we want people to respect ours, and even more, respect other’s decision about how they want to be treated.
Lady Diana, Princess of Wales;
Duchess of Rothesay.

The pressure that media focus in this people is too much that for some of them it has meant the death, like for example Lady Di’s case; it was the media’s pressure plus royal’s house pressure, plus [...] or the example of all those new famous artist who had started taking drugs because they can’t stand the pressure. And what about what I like to call Marie Antoinette’s effect? Really young girls that become famous too young and they become victims of the bubble that press creates around them, it’s like they’re devoured by the fame’s monster.

A person I Admire.

If there’s someone in my life who has supposed an example to follow, who has represented all or almost all my ideals, who teached me how to think, how to appreciate other people, jow to be strong, what to be someone means, this is my amazing dad. It may sound too classic or it may look weird, but it’s true, no matter how mad he gets on me he is always there to cheer me up, make me see things different, to encourage me to take challenges, summarising, he makes me batter someone.
My dad and my cousin in a familiar event.

He’s always up for discuss, and the way he makes me think about my acts is so much different than what other fathers use to. For example, when he gets upset, he explains me what my actions meant, in what they will become and after that he offers himself to help me get over it.

Perhaps he may look like a crazy scientist and actually he’s kind of, but in a funny way, and he may look so straight, he’s more. He is patient, comprehensive, he is someone you can rely on.  Probably one of the things I admire more from him is his general knowledge and culture. He knows loads of things about loads of subjects: fom music to technology, from theatre and cinema to cience, from general cultures and histories to art and photography...  he is like a temple of knowledge, and that’s something I really adore.

Otherwise, there’s something even better, he has his own thoughts and philosophy. And that makes me want to know him better so I can create or find mine. This is one of the most important things in life, to become a person with its own thoughts ideals and believes.

Therefore and more I would be grateful and glad if someday I become someone of my dad’s size, even he wants me to become someone better than him.

29M, General Strike.

Nowadays syndicates all over Spain have been celebrating a general strike in spite of fighting for workers and citizen’s rights against government’s restrictions. After knowing this no one is going to oppose to the strike. But well, let’s go a little bit further with syndicate’s reasons for organising this event: the labour reform. Rajoy, Spain’s president, says that with the new labour reform it’s going to be easier to fire employees without giving as details as it is requested now. He also says that it will take longer to go en pension and this pension will be lower, even more, he wants workers to pay more taxes but still remain the salaries or even, worse, reduce them. And that’s just by using crisis as an excuse.

Everyone will agree, this is insane, or at least too much, and therefore I agree with the people who goes outside and exercise his right to protest, but this is way too far from what happened today. What was supposed to be a calm and pacific demonstration has turned into a salvage repertory of free violence and a huge violation of other citizen’s rights who didn’t wanted to take part in the strike. As you’ve got the right to do a strike you can also decide not to, and nobody has the power to order you to or not to participate. This is a basic idea of a free society with freedom of expression.

Otherwise, the way the outraged were claiming for their rights was absolutely desprestigiable and also salvage. People breaking glasses, shop’s magazines, panting with sprays, fighting the other people who didn’t wanted to demonstrate ... I felt pure shame...

Summarizing, maybe they’re right and the government is not doing it right but that’s not the way either to fight for your rights, cause fighting that way makes you lose all your points.  

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Me myself and I.

Me... well, there's not much to say, brown headed and brown eyed, not very tall... in fact, nothing special. 

But that's just the outside, I'm much more than that. I'm crazy in love with music, and I mean all kinds; from classical to hard rock including some pop from the 20th century and jazz. When it comes to my favourite musicians there's a large list, for example there are musicians like Peter Gabriel, one of the best musicians of our time and formmer vocalist from the band Genesis, which is also pretty amazing too (Phil Collins played the drums in that band and he was also the singer before the band broke up. Nowadays I've been doing a bit of research into my father's CD's and I've discovered guys like John lee Hooker and a friend of mine showed me some current musicians that are also really good like Kyke Serrano.

Audrey Hepburn

I also do love theatre, and actually I used to play roles on some performances. I've been acting since I was 3 or 4 and it has begun to be an inseparable part of myself. Unluckily there's been two years since I played my last show on stage and I miss it so badly, I'm really looking forward to put my feet right back on track in a stage.  
Otherwise I enjoy films industry and there's where my idol comes from, she is Audrey, the other Hepburn, the most elegant women that has ever stepped in the big screen, or however you want to call her. She is so inspiring, so like to what I want to become. From that noble art there are some films that have marked me like, All that jazz by Bob Fosse; Breakfast at Tiffany's by Blake Edwards; The Shining by Stanley Kubrik; The fearless vampire killers by Roman Polanski; Big Fish by Tim Burton; ...

Another thing people might know is that I'm mad for books, specially for English literature, some of my favourite writers and books are Jane Austen's Pride and Perjudice, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights and Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre (which I'm reading nowadays for the 4th or 5th time) , Mary Shelley's Frankenstain, Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist, Lewis Carroll's Alice adventures in Wonderland, Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian Gray, ... and of course William Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream between some others. 

Toulouse Lautrec's paint
Jeanne Hebuterne retreat.
  I love over all those arts the painting, in particular Impressionism and Post-impressionism, and between this two artistic movements there are two painters that blow me away; Amadeo Modigliani and Toulouse Lautrec. Even there are better painters those two fascinate me like any other painter does. But I also do love artists like Pissarro, Corot, Renoir, Gauguin, Seurat, Klimt, there are too many to do a complete list and it wouldn't be any other thing than all or almost all painters ordered on a preference list. 

Summarizing I love anything related to art's world, that's why I've chosen Art's history as my future college degree. 

 Another of my passions is cooking, desserts actually, mostly cupcakes cakes and cookies. I've been cooking ever since I can remember and I've loved to since the same time I started to. It makes me feel relaxed and it helps me to think and taking decisions. I know it might sound awkward but it's the truly truth. 

Well then I think there's not much ting left to say, even I'm sure I'm forgetting something but that's for sure because it is almost impossible to introduce yourself in just a script, you'll always be forgetting something.

See you all in my next post!